
Zoom Classes


Sundays 11:00am-12:00pm - Niten Ichi Ryu 

Wednesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm - Jodo 

Thursdays 7:00pm-8:00pm - Iaido

These classes are free and open to anyone who wishes to attend them.

Click on this Zoom link to enter the session.

Meeting ID:  896 7244 2519  |  Password:  537205

In-person Classes

Guelph Youth Dance Studio

SCHEDULE:  Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm

Monthly Sunday Mini Seminars:

See the calendar below. The next few are Feb. 9, Mar. 16, Apr. 27.

They will all start at 11:00 am with one hour of Niten Ichi Ryu followed by lunch. Afternoon topics will vary, 1:30 - 4:30 pm.

Please RSVP by email for Sundays and direct any questions to

The fee to attend in person classes is $30 per month or $10 for each 2 hour class.

ADDRESS:  42 Quebec Street, Guelph (street parking and downtown lots, generally free evenings and Sundays)

Because it's downtown, we often need to leave the street level door locked.  Call me if you find the door locked.

If you plan to attend and don't have my phone number, please send an email in advance.