Kenshokan Announcement

2024 Kenshokan MJER Koryu Seminar

Greetings, fellow iaidoka.

I hope you are all well.


It's time for the 13th Annual Kenshokan Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu seminar.  This year, because of scheduling conflicts, the seminar will be one day only, running in September.

We are fortunate to have this seminar led by THREE 7th dan instructors: Ohmi-sensei, Taylor-sensei, and Galligan-sensei - three of the best instructors in Canada!  Most of us are part of Ohmi-sensei's lineage, and koryu is our link to the past through him.  Even if you are not in Ohmi-sensei's MJER line, and even if you are outside this koryu, you are still more than welcome to join us for some great training!  As well, everyone - from beginners to senior practitioners - is welcome.  All instructors are greatly looking forward to having the opportunity to share in practicing MJER with everyone in such an intensive session.

The seminar will run Saturday, September 21st.  As well, we will have a dinner at a local restaurant.  Over the years, we have used the Ashburnham Alehouse ( for dozens of our events, and we have always been happy with the quality of the food, drinks, and service.  The seminar menu is attached.


The seminar web page is located here: . The Facebook page is located HERE:  .

I hope you'll all be able to join us for this wonderful opportunity to train with these excellent instructors!

Registration will be done via Google Forms.  Please click HERE to register via a Google Form.


Please advertise this seminar to others, and forward this message to new students and to anyone who might not have attended previous seminars and so is not on my mailing list.


Finally, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Take care.



Jim Wilson

Kenshokan Iaido